Located on the Sunny Central Coast of California. (click to see a weather station here)

Keeping Brit Iron on the roads and the roads well oiled for years.

George M.Badger, III - Owner, General Gadabout and Chief Cook & Bottle Washer

I have been driving, maintaining, restoring, modifying and restifying British Iron for over 45 years, ever since my father said, "I could not buy a Jaguar XK-120 OTS because all of his friends who owned Jaguars said they were unreliable." I was 16 years of age and had been permanently infected by the Jaguar influenza. There is no cure known to mankind.

Because of my inquisitive nature and that I had learned a sample of 1 out of 100+ is not valid for a decision, I have made it a point to discern why British vehicles are so darned "unreliable".

What I have learned is that British vehicles are no more unreliable than Mercurys and Buicks, the choices of my father and his friends. Many, most?, of the stories attributed to British vehicles are urban legends based on owner's experience(s) with a poor mechanic or heavens forbid, their own work!

Start HERE to learn about some of my discoveries

Da  (Lynx?)

Click on the above for more of my web sites

Please send submissions, comments, questions, and anything else that occurs to you to me via e-mail
email me

Of course it's under construction, isn't life?

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                                                          Site updated 19JUL2012 ©2006-2012 George Badger
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